Online registration to the ICDE 2024 will open on March 14 until May 18, 2024 (noon, French hour CET).
Registration fee
- AFEDEV Members (*)
- Academic and fellow employed/residing in an organisation based in a developing country, student, post-doctoral fellow, young researcher (two years since the PhD defense) and unemployed individual: 125 euros,
- Faculty and industrial, outside developing countries: 185 euros.
- Non AFEDEV Members
- Academic and fellow employed/residing in an organisation based in a developing country, student, post-doctoral fellow, young researcher (two years since the PhD defense) and unemployed individual: 155 euros,
- Faculty and industrial, outside developing countries: 245 euros.
(*) To be considered an "AFEDEV Member" and benefit from the corresponding rate, you must provide proof of AFEDEV 2024-25 membership. You will not be able to benefit from this rate without proof. You can become an AFEDEV member by following this link: You must provide proof of the membership by e-mail to No refund will be possible if you join AFEDEV after paying the registration fee.
The registration fees includes: admission to all scientific sessions, conference material (badge, program, etc.), coffee breaks and lunches, and dinner.
All participants are responsible for their own travel and accommodation expenses.
The link to the online payment will be sent after acceptance of your application, and you will receive a confirmation after your payment. The invoice will be sent to you by email via the Azur colloque system.
List of developing countries